Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time, January 29, 2023
At a time when Jerusalem was led by insolent and unholy princes, prophets and priests, Zephaniah (pronounced: zef uh NI uh) says they'll be destroyed in a dramatic "Day of the Lord's Vengeance," but a remnant of humble people will be spared.
Ancient Corinth was a sophisticated Greek seaport, with competition among many religions and philosophies. There was competition within the Christian community, too. One of many ways Paul corrects that is to remind the Christians of their humble roots.
Matthew's gospel portrays Jesus as a new Moses. Today he ascends a mountain to deliver his new law. We'll hear parts of the Sermon on the Mount for five Sundays.
The Liturgical Setting: As usual, the first reading prepares the assembly to hear the day's gospel, Matthew 5:1-12a, which you should read now. Now read the Zephaniah (pronounced: zef uh NI uh) passage and notice the "slant" that it puts on the gospel. There's a remnant, a "moral minority" whom both Jesus and Zephaniah address. They speak as if they know their message will be lost on the powerful, the self-important people intent on dominating others. They want their listeners not to choose the path of arrogance, not even to pine for power, but "seek justice ... seek humility, ... do no wrong, ... speak no lies" (Zephaniah), and to "thirst for righteousness, ... [be] merciful [and be] peacemakers" (Jesus).
The Historical Background: The lector should know about the others, to whom the prophet contrasts his humble audience. Zephaniah prophesied in Jerusalem during a time when many in that city were faithless and corrupt. Note how he rails against them in the first verses of Chapter 3:
Proclaiming It: The first sentence (2:3) of today's passage is rather disjointed from the remaining verses (3:12-13). Indeed, in the first verse the speaker is the prophet, and in the rest the speaker is the Lord. If your congregation doesn't use the twenty-second introductions above, you might help your listeners cope with this by making this preliminary statement about the reading's context:
Most of the book of the prophet Zephaniah is about a terrible day of vengeance which the Lord will wreak upon idolaters and the unfaithful. But this passage describes a "remnant," a humble and just minority who will receive not vengeance but security. |
As lector, feel free to assume the persona of Zephaniah, or even of the Lord whose mouthpiece Zephaniah was, as you choose your tone of voice and method of delivery. From what you read above, you know that the Lord and the prophet were outraged at the behavior of the corrupt. So they were all the more grateful for the goodness of the remnant. (Indeed, the otherwise foreboding book ends on a note of confidence.) That gratitude (tinged with hope because no human's goodness comes with a lifetime warranty), should infuse your proclamation.
The Historical Background: Two things about the situation in Corinth made it necessary for Paul to remind the Christians there of their humble station (this week's passage) and of his own humble, though apostolic and authoritative, status (next Sunday's passage):
"Whoever boasts, [.... pause ....] should boast in the Lord."
A painting for children of the Sermon on the Mount, by Gisele Bauche of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada; used with the artist's permission. Click here for her website. Then, to see more of her work, click Gallery . A larger version of this image is in a section of the Gallery called Children's Art .
This page updated January 8, 2023